When I practice realistic optimism.
I know my hopes and efforts are grounded enough to have a real chance.
this keeps me going through any discouraging developments.
Today if I'm feeling discouraged about something.
I'll check in myself to see if any goals are both optimistic and realist.
Letting myself!!!
Letting of letting myself suffer needlessly.
I'll see if I can discover easy fixes for things that cause me discomfort.
Whether it;s putting a pillow behing my back to support me in a chair tha's uncomfortable or seeing if there's another approach.
I can take with a project that's punishing' t...
There a thrill!
There's a thrill in giving an important issue my best effort.
Win or Lose
I'll play my part.
Today I'll keep in mind that life needs and deserves my participation.
I can't control the outcome but I can control my own actions and sometimes my actions affect the outcome in important ways!